AICA calls for immediate release of artist Ai Wei Wei

The international Association of Art Critics( AICA) is a global organization, established in 1948, comprising art critics who are anxious to improve international cooperation in the fields of artistic creativity, mediation and endeavour. Freedom of expression is one of the hallmarks of a free and democratic society and any curtailment or breach of this basic civil right must be utterly condemned.

In this regard we are aware of and unreservedly deplore the increase generally in China of the detention of political and human rights activists, writers and lawyers. At this moment AICA totally condemns the recent detention by the Chinese authorities of internationally acclaimed artist Ai Wei Wei. With the previous demolishment of his Shanghai studio and the restrictive difficulties he has experienced  exhibiting in his home country  he has been shamefully treated and his fundamental human rights violated.

We add our voice to all the other cultural and political organisations in calling for the immediate release of Ai Wei Wei and the full restoration of his human rights and freedom of expression.

AICA Commission on Censorship and Freedom of Expression

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